
Chief Editor : Amitabh Joshi
Frequency : Continuous Article Publishing
Publisher : Indian Academy of Sciences

Dialogue – Science, Scientists and Society, published by the Indian Academy of Science, Bengaluru, since 2018, is a forum for scientists and other interested parties to discuss and debate issues pertaining to the interface between science and society, in the broadest sense. The journal covers three related but distinct themes (a) the practice of science, including choice of problem, publication, evaluation, funding, science administration etc., (b) communication of science among its practitioners, to students, public, politicians, decision-makers etc., and (c) the reciprocal impacts of science and society on each other. These themes are envisaged to cover, for example, introspection on practices in science and academia. education and the communication of science, gender and allied issues in science. science as a social system, culture of science. future directions and implications, goals of science, science-social science interfaces (conversations across disciplines and knowledge systems), indigenous and local knowledge systems and science, imaginations driven by science, connections with other countries, global contributions, funding, organisation of science, administration and management of science, evaluation, critical studies of science and society, science policy studies and more. The journal is also a place for discussion on planning scientific policy, as well as issues pertaining to science education and policy towards education.


Current IssueOnline First

Published June 12, 2024

Table of Contents


Role of Citizen Science and ICTs in Environment Mitigation Measure for Development Projects in India
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29195/DSSS.06.01.83
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