Volume 4
Research-Special Issue(Deepening of Disciplinary Content: Public Health in Post-Covid India)

Public Health Genomics – Treading Two Parallel Tracks

Rameshwar N K Bamezai
Hon. Director, Delhi School of Public Health, Institution of Eminence, University of Delhi; and President, Genomics and Public (GAP) Health Foundation, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. K-G01, Mahindra Aura, Sector-110A, New Palam Vihar, Gurugram-122017

Published 2023-09-02


  • Public Health, Genomics, Covid-19, Technology, Diagnosis

How to Cite

N K Bamezai, R. (2023). Public Health Genomics – Treading Two Parallel Tracks. DIALOGUE: Science, Scientists and Society, 4(.), 1–12. Retrieved from https://dialogue.ias.ac.in/index.php/dialogue/article/view/42


Against the backdrop of a decrepit healthcare system, where health for all is still a ‘distant’ dream, exposing stark gaps and shortfall of crucial inputs at various levels in catering to the health needs and requirements of a large population has compelled a review of the existing system and innovative course corrections. It has invoked a functional vision based on two parallel tracks; one, to rejuvenate and efficiently manage existing healthcare infrastructure and associated healthcare professionals at the village, tehsil and district level; and, the other of providing the modern facilities of diagnosis, prognosis, and preventive investigations with requisite interventions across all sections of the society. For more precise interventions to advance health the proposed two-pronged approach would ensure and safeguard the health, and inter alia reduce morbidity and mortality. Precision medicine in public health is predicated on OMICS technologies along with big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence for disease risk predictions and management in future. The capital intensive character of such technologies does raise concerns about their affordability, demanding an inter-institutional effort to generate simple and cost-effective high-throughput technology and tools for the diagnosis of diseases. The necessity to adopt modern medical biology technologies including Genomics has been amply evident in the COVID-19 pandemic through variant characterization of SARS-CoV2, and anticipated variations in the human host for differential susceptibilities and outcome of the disease.


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