Volume 1, 2018

A Policy Statement on “Dissemination and Evaluation of Research Output in India” by the Indian National Scince Academy (New Delhi

Praveen Chaddah
Flat 702, Block 24, Heritage City, Gurgaon 122 002.
Subash C. Lakhotia
Cytogenetics Lab, Department of Zoology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005

Published 2023-09-04


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How to Cite

Chaddah , P., & C. Lakhotia, S. (2023). A Policy Statement on “Dissemination and Evaluation of Research Output in India” by the Indian National Scince Academy (New Delhi. DIALOGUE: Science, Scientists and Society, 1, 1–11. Retrieved from https://dialogue.ias.ac.in/index.php/dialogue/article/view/62


Considering the necessity of common and objective parameters of assessment of research outputs, the Indian National Science Academy (New Delhi) has, after extensive deliberations involving its entire fellowship, issued this policy statement on Dissemination and Evaluation of Research Output in India. It is expected that this will be adopted and implemented by different agencies/regulatory bodies in India.


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